
Julio Graham takes on 6 – 8 speaking opportunities per year. Fees range from £2,000 to £10,000, based on the audience, the preparation necessary, the length of the presentation, and the size of the group.

Julio speaks about the application and modification of methodologies, more importantly, about how to implement the methodologies in such a way that it works for your organisation.

His systems thinking experience and knowledge helps give these talks a different perspective and in many cases a totally new way of viewing common issues.

Julio can talk on a variety of operational, management and leadership topics. His favourite topic is Scenario Planning and he has a very practical adaptation of the methodology that he can demonstrate or even turn into a full day’s work.

Talks vary from 18 minutes to 8 hour workshops.

It is best to have a discussion with Julio regrading your requirements for a talk. If you mutually agree that this is a good fit, you’ll receive a firm quotation on the fee. The fee must be paid in full two weeks before the actual speaking engagement.

Audio/video recording is only allowed after mutual agreement beforehand.

Please contact Julio with more information about your speaking opportunity.

Speaking Engagement – Julio Graham – Enquiry