Systemise Your Business

Challenges to business success


Successful small to medium sized business owners often have 5 major challenges to business success which occur simultaneously:

  1. They are often the bottleneck in their business. Some owners like this, it gives them a feeling of control, but most find themselves dealing with the mundane and often the least productive tasks, preventing them from doing the things that add value or that they love;
  2. There is never enough time to train someone properly because it is often easier and quicker to just do it themselves rather than go through the process of explaining yet again;
  3. Customers demand personal service from the business owner. This is often because the delivery of the service or product is inextricably attached to the owner’s personal service;
  4. In order to grow the business, the owner must employ more people but in order to employ more people the business must first grow;
  5. Many business owners are in fact experts at their service or product and not experts at managing a business. The moment they take their eye off the product, things go wrong but paradoxically the minute they take their eye off the business, thing also go wrong. It feels like a never-ending juggling and prioritisation nightmare.

If you have ever experienced this you will know how debilitating it is. Owners often tell me: “I am trapped in my business and I can do nothing right!” or “If only I could replicate myself, I would be so much better off”. I’ve even heard one say: “I want to change customer’s lives, not manage the business”.

Truth is that if you as the business owner wants to grow the business you need to take steps to disengage with the daily grind and work on your business or find someone who can do it for you.

Systemise your Business

The initial answer is simple, write down everything you do in a manner that someone else can learn how to do it. The problem is how, in what order and when?

This is where we can help you improve your business success. We know the answer lies in processes, procedures and documentation of the same. You need to make the business knowledge, embedded in your mind, known to everyone by formalising it in procedures. There are a few ways in which you can do this, especially if you are very, very busy trying to keep your business together.

You can hire us to systemise your business for you. The only commitment that you have is the time you need to spend with one of our consultants to document what you know. We can do this for everything in your business that requires transfer of knowledge from someone’s mind to a corporate knowledge base.

We will setup the systems, the documents and the training for your current and new staff on how to do the procedures and how to maintain them. Your business will improve and you will be in control of the parts of the business areas that you want to be involved in and decide which parts need to run on autopilot. The bottom line is that the transition from working in your business to working on your business will transform the quality of your life.

Our service offerings for systemising your business range from an initial Core Business Kickstart Service to a fully fledged Organisational Transformation Service.

Core Business Kickstart - click for more information ...
This service is designed to help any struggling business person get control of their existing business (startup, department or established business) and create space, context and organisation so that the owner and the staff have a clear understanding of what they do and how they can improve.

My involvement is helping you understand what you are trying to achieve, understand how you are currently doing that and then help you to improve your processes / procedures / activities so that you have the freedom to live your dreams. I do this through weekly remote meetings via video conferencing calls, email and telephone conversations. I need you and your staff to be onboard as we co-create this solution for you.

Part of the journey to a successful resilient organisation is being able to learn and adapt as you go along. This module focuses on the skills and practical implementation that you need to do to get you learning (and thus being capable of improving) and adapting to your ever changing business environment.

At the end of this project you will have defined your strategic intent, created or readdressed your operating principles and finally documented and aligned your existing business processes. These actions are no mean feat and require much work and rework but they are so worth it. Your business will now be able to operate smoother, it will be able to respond to a variety of challenges naturally and your end goal will always be in sight.

The process can take as little as 6 weeks and is typically as follows:
1. We get on the phone or Zoom and chat for 45 minutes or longer if needs be;
2. If we both agree that I can be of assistance, I will send you a proposal and contract;
3. You sign the proposal, pay the deposit and we start work immediately;
4. We define and refine your strategic objective;
5. Once the strategic objective is clear we tackle your operating principles – these are the guidance you and your staff need to know how you operate;
6. Then we tackle the processes one at a time – we start by defining the easy ones, building some confidence in you and your staff in the process;
7. Next we look at the problem areas and see if processes / procedures can help get us a better understanding and better outcomes;
8. Finally we define a management regime (read process and procedures) to help you and the staff manage your processes and their continued improvement;
9. At this point you should be operationally up and running making more by doing less.

Using this Work the System approach is literally fixing the simple mechanics of your business so that your business can be improve dramatically without the burnout and chaos so often associated with growing businesses.

Typical costs for this service start at £3,500 and the duration is about 90 days depending on the volume of processes. This is all covered in the initial consultation where I ensure we both agree on the scope of the project.

Operational Transformation
This service includes the Core Business Kickstart and then continues to explore all the various areas where you could and should have processes and procedures in place. In many instances you may not be doing these activities or you may be outsourcing them. In either case you need to scrutinise them and ensure they are aligned with your strategic objective whilst encompassing your operating principles.

My involvement is helping you understand what you are trying to achieve, understand how you are currently doing that and then help you to improve your processes / procedures / activities so that you have the freedom to live your dreams. I will also help you identify areas where you may want to develop competency to improve your overall business effectiveness and efficiencies. I do this through weekly remote meetings via video conferencing calls, email and telephone conversations. I need you and your staff to be onboard as we co-create this solution for you.

We typically also look at the following ‘systems’ in your business and document relevant processes as required:


At the end of this process you will have a well documented operational system with action plans in place for areas of improvement and growth.

The process takes about 4 months and is typically as follows:
1. We get on the phone or Zoom and chat for 45 minutes or longer if needs be;
2. If we both agree that I can be of assistance, I will send you a proposal and contract;
3. You sign the proposal, pay the deposit and we start work immediately;
4. We define and refine your strategic objective;
5. Once the strategic objective is clear we tackle your operating principles – these are the guidance you and your staff need to know how you operate;
6. Then we tackle the processes one at a time – we start by defining the easy ones, building some confidence in you and your staff in the process;
7. Next we look at the problem areas and see if processes / procedures can help get us a better understanding and better outcomes;
8. We then take a closer look at the existing and future business systems mentioned above and either document processes or define plans for how and when we need to address each of these areas;
9. Finally we identify a management regime (read process and procedures) to help you and the staff manage your processes and their continued improvement;
10. At this point you should be operationally up and running making more by doing less.

Staying with the Work the System method, you will now have a comprehensive knowledge base and operating procedures for your current business and your future plans. Your business can now safely move forward knowing that it can improve and innovate whilst staying aligned to your original strategic objective.

Typical costs for this service start at £6,000 and the duration is about 120 days depending on the volume of processes. This is all covered in the initial consultation where I ensure we both agree on the scope of the project.

Management Transformation
This service does everything in the operational transformation service offering and as the name implies it then takes a look at your management structures and addresses those through the lens of an integrated management system specification.

My involvement is helping you understand what you are trying to achieve, understand how you are currently doing that and then help you to improve your processes / procedures / activities so that you have the freedom to live your dreams. I will also help you identify areas where you may want to develop competency to improve your overall business effectiveness and efficiencies. With the management system specification I will help you develop competency to be able to have one management system that manages your organisation in it’s entirety. This is not a computer software exercise but an exercise in structure and creation of management activities.
I do this through weekly remote meetings via video conferencing calls, email and telephone conversations. I need you and your staff to be onboard as we co-create this solution for you.

At the end of this process you will have a well documented operational that is being managed by an integrated management system designed to achieve your objectives.

The process takes about 5 months and is typically as follows:
1. We get on the phone or Zoom and chat for 45 minutes or longer if needs be;
2. If we both agree that I can be of assistance, I will send you a proposal and contract;
3. You sign the proposal, pay the deposit and we start work immediately;
4. We define and refine your strategic objective;
5. Once the strategic objective is clear we tackle your operating principles – these are the guidance you and your staff need to know how you operate;
6. Then we tackle the processes one at a time – we start by defining the easy ones, building some confidence in you and your staff in the process;
7. Next we look at the problem areas and see if processes / procedures can help get us a better understanding and better outcomes;
8. We then take a closer look at the existing and future business systems mentioned above and either document processes or define plans for how and when we need to address each of these areas;
9. Finally we introduce the management system with all of the processes and activities that you will need to manage your current business, future expansion and future management requirements (such as ISO standards, regulatory requirements and the like).
10. At this point you should be operationally up and running making more by doing less and be well managed for any change that you need to make.

Using the Work the System method to clarify operations and then placing it all under management through a rigorous management system specification will create an organisation that can adapt to change more rapidly whilst still remaining aligned to the strategic objective. Your business will now be able to negotiate rapid change and adaptation in its stride.

Typical costs for this service start at £10,000 and the duration is about 150 days depending on the volume of processes. This is all covered in the initial consultation where I ensure we both agree on the scope of the project.

Organisational Transformation
This service does everything in the management transformation service offering and then adds the vital layer of ownership / governance processes to ensure you are building a resilient organisation.

My involvement is helping you understand what you are trying to achieve, understand how you are currently doing that and then help you to improve your processes / procedures / activities so that you have the freedom to live your dreams. I will also help you identify areas where you may want to develop competency to improve your overall business effectiveness and efficiencies. With the management system specification I will help you develop competency to be able to have one management system that manages your organisation in it’s entirety. This is not a computer software exercise but an exercise in structure and creation of management activities.
The additional ownership / governance focus will walk you through the typical activities that you and your stakeholders will be engaged in to ensure the organisation is delivering its main purpose. It also allows the owners to understand how they should direct the business so that their management team can lead and perform optimally.
I do all this through weekly remote meetings via video conferencing calls, email and telephone conversations. I need you and your staff to be onboard as we co-create this solution for you.

Part of the journey to a successful resilient organisation is being able to learn and adapt as you go along. This module focuses on the skills and practical implementation that you need to do to get you learning (and thus being capable of improving) and adapting to your ever changing business environment.

At the end of this process you will have a well documented operational system that is being managed by an integrated management system that is responsive to the owner / shareholder direction and imperatives.

The process takes about 7 months and is typically as follows:
1. We get on the phone or video conferencing call and chat for 45 minutes or longer if needs be;
2. If we both agree that I can be of assistance, I will send you a proposal and contract;
3. You sign the proposal, pay the deposit and we start work immediately;
4. We define and refine your strategic objective;
5. Once the strategic objective is clear we tackle your operating principles – these are the guidance you and your staff need to know how you operate;
6. Then we tackle the processes one at a time – we start by defining the easy ones, building some confidence in you and your staff in the process;
7. Next we look at the problem areas and see if processes / procedures can help get us a better understanding and better outcomes;
8. We then take a closer look at the existing and future business systems mentioned above and either document processes or define plans for how and when we need to address each of these areas;
9. Whilst we are doing the operational processes we introduce the management system with all of the processes and activities that you will need to manage your current business, future expansion and future management requirements (such as ISO standards, regulatory requirements and the like).
10. At this point you should be operationally up and running making more by doing less and be well managed for any change that you need to make.
11. We then take a close look how the owner or shareholders need and want to govern this organisation by defining processes and procedures with measures so that they can govern appropriately without interfering with management but still retaining control and direction of the business.

Using the Work the System method to clarify operations and then placing it all under management through a rigorous management system specification will create an organisation that can adapt to change more rapidly whilst still remaining aligned to the strategic objective. The addition of proper owner / shareholder direction will now make your organisation able to respond to changes in the business environment rapidly and it will become more resilient in the face of challenges.

Typical costs for this service start at £15,000 and the duration is about 210 days depending on the volume of processes. This is all covered in the initial consultation where I ensure we both agree on the scope of the project.

Owner Liberation
This service is designed to help any business owner get control of their existing business (startup, department or established business) and then ensure they put procedures in place so that they can safely and successfully exit the business whilst still remaining in control.

My involvement is helping you understand what you need to put in place so that you are no longer involved in the day-to-day workings of the business. I do this through weekly remote meetings via video conferencing calls, email and telephone conversations. I need you and your staff to be onboard as we co-create this solution for you.

Part of the journey to a successful resilient organisation is being able to learn and adapt as you go along. This module focuses on the skills and practical implementation that you need to do to get you learning (and thus being capable of improving) and adapting to your ever changing business environment.

At the end of this project you will have defined your personal strategic intent, your business strategic intent, created or readdressed your operating principles. You will also have an action list of activities for yourself and your business employees to do to extricate yourself from the business. These actions are no mean feat and require much work and rework but they are so worth it. Your business will now be able to operate smoother, it will be able to respond to a variety of challenges naturally and your end goal will always be in sight.

The process can take as little as 6 weeks and is typically as follows:
1. We get on the phone or Zoom and chat for 45 minutes or longer if needs be;
2. If we both agree that I can be of assistance, I will send you a proposal and contract;
3. You sign the proposal, pay the deposit and we start work immediately;
4. We define and refine your strategic objectives;
5. Once the strategic objectives are clear we tackle your operating principles – these are the guidance you and your staff need to know how you operate;
6. Then we tackle the processes that need to be defined – we start by defining a process of processes and then you empower your staff to get on with it in the business;
7. Finally we look at the processes that will allow you to govern your business without being involved in the day-to-day activities.

Using this Work the System approach and an international standard for governing you will now be in a position to start your exit from the day-to-day operations of the business.

Typical costs for this service start at £6,000 and the duration is about 120 days depending on the volume of processes. This is all covered in the initial consultation where I ensure we both agree on the scope of the project.

Business Systems Manager - Done for You
Operational Transformation done for you.

This service is designed to do the full operational transformation service with minimal input from you, the owner. I can run the project with or without an equivalent business systems manager on your staff. The owner’s largest involvement will be in the initial strategic objective and operating principles discussion, thereafter I will run the project and do the required documentation.
I explore all the various areas where you could and should have processes and procedures in place. In many instances you may not be doing these activities or you may be outsourcing them. In either case you need to scrutinise them and ensure they are aligned with your strategic objective whilst encompassing your operating principles.

My involvement is helping the business understand what they are trying to achieve, understand how they are currently doing that and then help them to improve the processes / procedures / activities. I will also identify areas where you may want to develop competency to improve your overall business effectiveness and efficiencies. I do this through weekly remote meetings via video conferencing calls, email and telephone conversations. I need you and your staff to be onboard as we co-create this solution for you.

We typically also look at the following ‘systems’ in your business and document relevant processes as required:


At the end of this process you will have a well documented operational system with action plans in place for areas of improvement and growth.

The process takes about 4 months and is typically as follows:
1. We get on the phone or Zoom and chat for 45 minutes or longer if needs be;
2. If we both agree that I can be of assistance, I will send you a proposal and contract;
3. You sign the proposal, pay the deposit and we start work immediately;
4. We define and refine your strategic objective;
5. Once the strategic objective is clear we tackle your operating principles – these are the guidance you and your staff need to know how you operate;
6. Then we tackle the processes one at a time – we start by defining the easy ones, building some confidence in your staff in the process;
7. Next we look at the problem areas and see if processes / procedures can help get us a better understanding and better outcomes;
8. We then take a closer look at the existing and future business systems mentioned above and either document processes or define plans for how and when we need to address each of these areas;
9. Finally we identify a management regime (read process and procedures) to help you and the staff manage your processes and their continued improvement;
10. At this point you should be operationally up and running making more by doing less.

Staying with the Work the System method, you will now have a comprehensive knowledge base and operating procedures for your current business and your future plans. Your business can now safely move forward knowing that it can improve and innovate whilst staying aligned to your original strategic objective.

Typical costs for this service start at £16,000 and the duration is about 120 days depending on the volume of processes. This is all covered in the initial consultation where I ensure we both agree on the scope of the project.

Take action now

To find out how we can help you systemise your business, please fill in the form on the right of this page and we will get back to you promptly.